
Karen Rivers
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Karen Rivers鄭自才畫室 的照片發表了意見

干豆碼頭 the Gan Dau Wharf

"我想買古典的木雕花木質畫框(歐洲式), 老師有可供推介的店家嗎? 在台中一般的裱框店家的選擇雷同度幾乎都一樣. 我有一兩幅10號的油畫找不到想要的畫框而懸宕很久..."
2010 18 11 月
Karen Rivers 已對 鄭自才畫室 發表意見
"my address is: 421 台中縣后里鄉成功路560號 江漪敏 0931-683437. I didn't mean offer > free charge < but your quotation (I will buy) . My son visited your exhibition in July, he told me he was impressed by your oil paintings."
2010 5 8 月
鄭自才畫室 已對 Karen Rivers 發表意見
"Hi, how are you, it's nice to hear from you. Please give me the address where I can send my painting books."
2010 5 8 月
鄭自才畫室 已對 Karen Rivers 發表意見
"Hi Karen, I had published my art works twice, one was in 1994 and the other in 2007. You are welcome to have them. I think any topics which are allowed to communicate and discuss in depth, it will be my pleasure to hear from you, so shoot!"
2010 16 7 月
Karen Rivers 已對 鄭自才畫室 發表意見
"OK, noted, thank you. 2 questions: 1st: do you have your own artworks publication? 2nd: what topics are forbidden in communication?"
2010 16 7 月
鄭自才畫室 已對 Karen Rivers 發表意見
"Hi Karen, my email address is ttdeh@ms69. hinet.net, we can communicate through email."
2010 15 7 月
鄭自才畫室 已對 Karen Rivers 發表意見
"我的第10次個展的檔期已排好,是在台南市,2010,8/7~9/12,這次歡迎你一定來看我的畫展。目前並無計劃到台中展覽。 我想你欣賞繪畫有一定的水準,已經了解印象派及陳橙波大師。故鄉的風景卽親切又感動, 如你所講的,把這些感動表現在畫布上,讓觀賞者也得到感動,同時也留下來希望做為社會的遺產。"
2010 13 7 月
Karen Rivers 已對 鄭自才畫室 發表意見
"謝謝您的邀約. 我會錯過您的這次展畫檔期. 我住在台中縣, 若您有機會在未來的大台中市開展的畫, 我一定會去看畫. 上週在自由時報上看到有關您的參展新聞, 照片上的油畫吸引我的注意力. 用料顏色的明亮, 構圖的選景及畫風手法有著印象派及台灣早期畫家陳澄波先生的感覺印象. 當然, 還有鄭先生您抱持著"畫我原鄉"的作畫心情. 鄉下的景致, 古早的紅磚瓦建築, 隨著工商業社會的進步, 台灣鄉下的房屋建築物也已隨著式微凋零. 這些畫讓我想起小時候看過的情景,…"
2010 13 7 月
鄭自才畫室 已對 Karen Rivers 發表意見
"Thank you Karen, please come to my painting exhibition at City Council Building, I am there 14:00~17:00, or give me a call when you like to come, my cell phone is 0910 826 780. 7/22 a.m. will be the last day."
2010 8 7 月
Karen Rivers 已對 鄭自才畫室 發表意見
"I like your paintings a lot."
2010 8 7 月
鄭自才畫室 已對 Karen Rivers 發表意見
"Hi Karen, welcome to Tzutsai Deh's art studio."
2010 7 7 月
Karen Rivers 現在是 鄭自才畫室 的會員
2010 7 7 月


請問這幅畫作的預估價格. Thank you.



加入 鄭自才畫室

鄭自才畫室 在 2010 八月 5 的 12:20pm 說...
Hi, how are you, it's nice to hear from you.
Please give me the address where I can send my painting books.
鄭自才畫室 在 2010 七月 16 的 9:02pm 說...
Hi Karen, I had published my art works twice, one was in 1994 and the other in 2007. You are welcome to have them.
I think any topics which are allowed to communicate and discuss in depth, it will
be my pleasure to hear from you, so shoot!
鄭自才畫室 在 2010 七月 15 的 8:44pm 說...
Hi Karen, my email address is ttdeh@ms69. hinet.net, we can communicate
through email.
鄭自才畫室 在 2010 七月 13 的 9:01pm 說...
鄭自才畫室 在 2010 七月 8 的 8:04pm 說...
Thank you Karen, please come to my painting exhibition at City Council Building,
I am there 14:00~17:00, or give me a call when you like to come, my cell phone
is 0910 826 780. 7/22 a.m. will be the last day.
鄭自才畫室 在 2010 七月 7 的 8:27pm 說...
Hi Karen, welcome to Tzutsai Deh's art studio.


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