"my address is: 421 台中縣后里鄉成功路560號 江漪敏 0931-683437. I didn't mean offer > free charge < but your quotation (I will buy) . My son visited your exhibition in July, he told me he was impressed by your oil paintings."
"Hi Karen, I had published my art works twice, one was in 1994 and the other in 2007. You are welcome to have them.
I think any topics which are allowed to communicate and discuss in depth, it will
be my pleasure to hear from you, so shoot!"
"Thank you Karen, please come to my painting exhibition at City Council Building,
I am there 14:00~17:00, or give me a call when you like to come, my cell phone
is 0910 826 780. 7/22 a.m. will be the last day."
Hi Karen, I had published my art works twice, one was in 1994 and the other in 2007. You are welcome to have them.
I think any topics which are allowed to communicate and discuss in depth, it will
be my pleasure to hear from you, so shoot!
Thank you Karen, please come to my painting exhibition at City Council Building,
I am there 14:00~17:00, or give me a call when you like to come, my cell phone
is 0910 826 780. 7/22 a.m. will be the last day.